Ankylosing spondylitis - Learn more
Chronic health conditions collection
1m 6s
Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of arthritis in which the joints of the spine become inflamed, in particular where the spine attaches to the pelvis. It usually develops in young adults and causes pain and stiffness, especially in the lower back. Eventually, fusion of vertebrae in the spine can occur.
Up Next in Chronic health conditions collection
Arthritis - Learn more
Arthritis refers to inflammation of joints. This can lead to stiffness, swelling and pain and may be due to a joint condition, an infection or an autoimmune condition. Most arthritis is chronic, however adhering to treatment plans and some modification of activities can help maintain an active li...
Asthma - Learn more
Asthma is a common respiratory condition where irritants trigger the airways to become inflamed and narrowed, which makes breathing difficult. During attacks, individuals may notice wheezing, coughing, tightness in the chest and/or shortness of breath. It is important to know how to correctly man...
Atrial fibrillation - Learn more
Atrial fibrillation is an irregularity in the heart’s rhythm. The condition causes several potential complications that can have serious consequences. The heart rate can become very fast, or a clot can form within the heart, leading to a stroke.