Middle ear infections - Learn more
Infections and infestations collection
1m 4s
A middle ear infection, also known as acute otitis media, occurs when fluid trapped behind the eardrum becomes infected with a virus or bacteria, causing an earache, fever, temporary hearing loss and unwellness. In young children symptoms can also include loss of balance, reduced hunger, disrupted sleep, and behavioural problems.
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Mononucleosis, or glandular fever, is a common disease affecting mainly adolescents and young adults. Also known as the ‘kissing disease’, it is commonly spread through saliva. It causes a fever, tiredness, sore throat and swollen lymph glands. The majority of cases make a good recovery, although...
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Mumps - Learn more
Mumps is an infectious viral disease. It is mostly a childhood disease and, although usually a mild illness, mumps can have serious consequences. A mumps vaccine is available and given as part of a combined vaccine during routine childhood vaccination.