Bipolar disorder - Learn more
Mental health collection
1m 3s
Bipolar disorder is a condition that is characterised by extreme mood swings, which range from feeling high to feeling very low and helpless. It is a condition that will require ongoing treatment. However, with support and medications, it is possible to live a fulfilling and normal life.
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Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental disorder that can make it difficult for people to control their behavior and emotions and to form stable relationships with other people. It usually arises in early adolescence.
Bulimia nervosa - Learn more
Bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorder causing individuals to binge eat and then compensate, usually by vomiting, using laxatives or excessive exercise. With treatment, people with bulimia can come to have a more positive body image and develop a healthy attitude towards food.
Bullying - Learn more
Bullying is the use of power by a person or group of people to intentionally cause physical or psychological harm to another person or group of people. It includes humiliating, demeaning or threatening behaviour and can occur anywhere, including at school, home, online or the workplace.