Bullying - Learn more
Parenting and child health collection
1m 12s
Bullying is the use of power by a person or group of people to intentionally cause physical or psychological harm to another person or group of people. It includes humiliating, demeaning or threatening behaviour and can occur anywhere, including at school, home, online or the workplace.
Up Next in Parenting and child health collection
Chickenpox - Learn more
Chickenpox is a common, contagious childhood illness, caused by the varicella virus. It causes a distinctive, itchy rash, and normally resolves on its own. A vaccine is available that can help reduce your chance of getting the condition.
Childhood immunisations - Learn more
Childhood immunisations help protect infants and children against a variety of diseases, without them being exposed to the actual diseases. Immunisations include tetanus, polio, measles and chicken pox vaccines. They also help protect friends and family by reducing the rates of these conditions.
Childhood obesity - Learn more
Carrying excess body fat can have a range of serious consequences for children’s health, particularly in their future. There are numerous strategies available to help children manage their weight and enjoy their childhood.