Teething - Learn more
Parenting and child health collection
Teething is the eruption of teeth through a baby’s gums. These teeth are commonly called baby teeth, or milk teeth and usually appear gradually from the age of six months up to three years. They begin to fall out from around six years of age, to be replaced by permanent teeth.
Up Next in Parenting and child health collection
Torticollis - Learn more
Torticollis is the involuntary twisting of the neck to one side due to painful spasms in the neck muscles. Also known as ‘wry neck’, it can occur at any age. Causes can include inflammation, infection or, in babies, an abnormal head posture in utero. In adults, almost all cases of torticollis res...
Type 1 diabetes - Learn more
Type 1 diabetes is a long-term condition with impaired control of glucose (sugar) in the blood. It occurs when the pancreas cannot produce the hormone insulin, which normally controls the entry of glucose into cells. Individuals with type 1 diabetes need careful management, including insulin inje...
Urinary tract infections in children ...
Younger children often have vague symptoms when they have a urinary tract infection (UTI). These include fever, vomiting, poor feeding and irritability. In older children, there may be frequent urination, burning sensations when urinating, fatigue, or abdominal pain. UTIs in children may require ...