Low libido - Learn more
Sexual health collection
Libido refers to sexual desire, or the drive to have sexual activity. It is also commonly called the sex drive. A low libido means that you have a low interest in sex and this can affect both men and women. Everybody's interest level in sex is different and there is no 'normal' level.
Up Next in Sexual health collection
Menopause - Learn more
Menopause occurs when a woman has her last menstrual period. This commonly occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 years and is a result of the ovaries stopping the release of eggs in preparation for pregnancy.
Pelvic inflammatory disease - Learn more
Pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID, is the infection of a woman’s reproductive organs and surrounding pelvic tissues. It occurs most commonly when a sexually-transmitted infection spreads beyond the vagina to internal pelvic organs. This can lead to long-term complications if not recognised and ...
Periods - Learn more
A period occurs as part of a woman’s normal menstrual cycle, first starting between the ages of eight and 16 and continuing until menopause. An average menstrual cycle is 28 days. During a period, the uterus sheds its inner lining and this passes out through the vagina, with bleeding usually last...