Travel health collection

Travel health collection

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Travel health collection
  • Cholera - Learn more

    Cholera is an infectious disease that causes severe diarrhoea. It is usually acquired by consuming contaminated food or water during travel to areas where cholera is common. The greatest danger is the dehydration diarrhoea causes. Following some advice can help prevent this condition.

  • Cold exposure (hypothermia) - Learn more

    Exposure to cold temperatures, especially for prolonged periods of time, may lead to several health conditions. Preparing for cold environments is important. Wearing appropriate clothing and following the right advice can make your experiences enjoyable.

  • COVID-19 - Learn more

    Novel coronavirus (Covid-19) is a new strain of the coronavirus identified in Wuhan City in China in December 2019.This novel (new) coronavirus has caused a global infectious disease pandemic for more than two years.

  • Dengue fever - Learn more

    Dengue fever is an infectious viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical and sub-tropical climates. Most people with dengue fever suffer unpleasant symptoms, such as fever, headache and vomiting, but will make a full recovery. However, repeated infections can result in a form of haemorrh...

  • Ebola - Learn more

    Ebola is an infectious viral disease which spreads through contact with an infected person's bodily fluids. Ebola is a serious disease with high mortality rates. However, the disease is only present in a few countries and avoiding travel to these nations is the best prevention strategy.

  • Food safety while travelling - Learn more

    When you travel, you are exposed to new and exciting experiences. Among them is experiencing the local food in the countries and areas you are travelling in. While new tastes and dishes can be a rewarding experience, eating in foreign locales can carry some risks as well. Thankfully, there are wa...

  • Malaria - Learn more

    Malaria is a parasitic blood infection acquired through the bite of certain infected mosquitos. Malaria destroys red blood cells in the body causing tiredness, fever and unwellness. Taking preventative measures when travelling to areas with malaria is recommended.

  • Medical tourism - Learn more

    Medical tourism is travel to another country to receive healthcare, often at less expense that that available at home. However, people may travel elsewhere not just for the lower cost of treatment, but for the higher quality of care, shorter waiting time for the treatment, the legality of the pro...

  • MERS - Learn more

    Middle-East respiratory syndrome, or MERS, is a viral infection that mainly affects the respiratory system. It was first identified in Saudi Arabia in 2012 and has been linked to the Middle East in all cases since.

  • Mosquito-borne illnesses - Learn more

    Mosquitoes can transmit a variety of disease-causing microorganisms, including many kinds of viruses and several kinds of parasites. Often, different species of mosquitoes, found in different locations, will transmit different diseases.

  • Motion sickness - Learn more

    Motion sickness describes the feelings of dizziness and nausea that occur when you’re travelling in a moving vehicle. Your eyes may see the landscape passing by at high speed, while the balance sensors in your inner ear are sensing that you’re sitting still. This confusing information is felt as ...

  • Rabies - Learn more

    Rabies is a serious viral infection that is passed on through the bite of an infected animal. It causes fever, pain and extreme changes in behaviour and can even be fatal. Following some advice can help prevent this condition.

  • SARS - Learn more

    SARS is a highly infectious respiratory viral disease, which presents much like flu (fever, sore throat, dry cough, headache, chills, stiff muscles). Quarantining of patients is the only option, however there have been no reported cases of SARS since 2004.

  • Scabies - Learn more

    Scabies is a skin condition caused by tiny mites. It causes severe itching and a rash from the mites burrowing into the skin to lay eggs. Scabies is treatable using prescription medicine.

  • Tick-borne encephalitis - Learn more

    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a viral infection that is passed to humans by tiny, blood-sucking ticks found in areas stretching from Western Europe to Japan. It can result from a tick bite, or from drinking unpasteurised milk.

  • Traveller's diarrhoea - Learn more

    Traveller's diarrhoea is an infection of the gastrointestinal tract that mainly affects travellers, typically due to poor sanitation. It usually causes urgent and frequent diarrhoea. This can be unpleasant and potentially lead to dehydration. It is important to keep hydrated and medications may b...

  • Travel medical assessment - Learn more

    During a travel medical assessment, your doctor may ask questions about exactly where you will be travelling, how long you will be there and any activities you are planning on doing. Depending on how you answer these questions, your doctor may give you a range of travel-related medical recommenda...

  • Typhoid fever - Learn more

    Typhoid fever is caused by a strain of salmonella bacteria. It is transmitted via contaminated food or water, and can cause severe diarrhoea and a rash. Typhoid fever is much more common in developing countries.

  • Yellow fever - Learn more

    Yellow fever is an infectious viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes in tropical and sub-tropical climates. It can be fatal, and is a serious health concern. A vaccine is available and is routinely given to people who live in, or are intending to travel to, countries where the disease is common.