Chest pain - Learn more
Medical emergencies collection
Animation, Educational, Special Interest
Chest pain has many causes, ranging from muscle strain to more serious cardiovascular problems such as heart attack. If you do experience chest pain, it is important to seek prompt medical attention.
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Deep vein thrombosis - Learn more
A deep vein thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot within a deep vein, usually in the legs. Numerous factors can increase the risk of a clot forming. The clot may travel to a lung and block its function, which may be life-threatening. Following some advice can help prevent this condition.
Dehydration in children - Learn more
Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluid than you take in. Dehydration in children is common, as they need proportionally larger volumes of water to maintain a healthy fluid level. They are particularly at risk during hot weather, or when unwell from conditions such as gastroenteritis.
Head injuries in children - Learn more
Head injuries in children are commonly caused by accidents, falls, trauma or sport. Most are classified as either minor or moderate and aren’t associated with any long-term complications. Close observation of all children with a head injury is needed, but not all need to go to hospital.