Medical emergencies collection

Medical emergencies collection

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Medical emergencies collection
  • Abdominal pain in children - Learn more

    There are many causes of abdominal pain in children. Conditions such as constipation or overeating are not serious and usually pass on their own. Other causes, such as appendicitis or bowel obstruction, can need urgent medical attention.

  • Anaphylaxis - Learn more

    Anaphylaxis is a very severe form of allergic reaction. Immediate and life-threatening symptoms, including breathing difficulties, can be the result of exposure to an allergen, such as peanuts or eggs. Anaphylaxis is a serious medical condition, but prompt treatment can save lives.

  • Chest pain - Learn more

    Chest pain has many causes, ranging from muscle strain to more serious cardiovascular problems such as heart attack. If you do experience chest pain, it is important to seek prompt medical attention.

  • Deep vein thrombosis - Learn more

    A deep vein thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot within a deep vein, usually in the legs. Numerous factors can increase the risk of a clot forming. The clot may travel to a lung and block its function, which may be life-threatening. Following some advice can help prevent this condition.

  • Dehydration in children - Learn more

    Dehydration occurs when you lose more fluid than you take in. Dehydration in children is common, as they need proportionally larger volumes of water to maintain a healthy fluid level. They are particularly at risk during hot weather, or when unwell from conditions such as gastroenteritis.

  • Head injuries in children - Learn more

    Head injuries in children are commonly caused by accidents, falls, trauma or sport. Most are classified as either minor or moderate and aren’t associated with any long-term complications. Close observation of all children with a head injury is needed, but not all need to go to hospital.

  • Heart attack - Learn more

    A heart attack is a medical emergency caused by a sudden stoppage of blood flow to your heart muscle, usually due to coronary artery disease. Symptoms vary and may include mild to severe chest pain. If you think you are experiencing a heart attack, it is important to seek prompt medical treatment.

  • Hip fracture - Learn more

    A hip fracture is a serious and often painful condition that requires immediate medical attention. It commonly occurs in older people due to thin bones and a tendency for falls. Often surgery is needed to assist with recovery.

  • Injury of knee ligaments - Learn more

    Ligaments are bands of strong, flexible tissue that connect bones or cartilage, providing stability to joints. Knee ligament injuries can occur when your knee is hit forcefully, you land on it badly, or it sharply changes direction. Symptoms include swelling and pain, reduced movement, a popping ...

  • Kidney stones - Learn more

    Stones can form in the kidney and move into other parts of the urinary tract. Large kidney stones can get stuck causing extreme pain, blood in the urine and/or kidney failure. Often, ultrasound waves can be used to break up kidney stones.

  • Lactic acidosis - Learn more

    Lactic acidosis occurs when lactic acid builds up in the blood faster that it can be removed by the liver. Lactic acid is a waste product of the body’s metabolism in situations where oxygen levels are low, such as during heavy exercise.

  • Meningitis - Learn more

    Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective layers surrounding the brain and spinal cord. Viral meningitis is more common, however it is the bacterial meningitis that is dangerous with potential serious complications. Meningitis requires prompt medical assessment.

  • Nosebleeds - Learn more

    Blood vessels within the lining of the nose are fragile and can easily be made to bleed. Nosebleeds are common, with about 60% of people experiencing at least one nosebleed in their lifetime. Most of the time, however, the bleeding tends to only last a little while and is usually easy to control...

  • Pneumothorax - Learn more

    A pneumothorax is the presence of air or gas in the space between the lungs and the inside of the chest cavity, known as the pleural space. When air is forced into this space, there is a loss of negative pressure inside it, which causes the lung on the affected side to collapse.

  • Stroke - Learn more

    A stroke happens when oxygen-rich blood cannot reach the brain cells, often due to blockage or damage of a blood vessel. This loss of oxygen damages brain cells within minutes, which then start dying. Occurring mostly in older adults, a stroke is a serious medical emergency.

  • Supraventricular tachycardia - Learn more

    Supraventricular tachycardia is an abnormally rapid heart rhythm that can be in excess of 200 beats per minute. It is caused by an interruption to the heart’s normal electrical circuit. Treatment options aim to restore this electrical activity.