Bronchiolitis - Learn more
Parenting and child health collection
1m 4s
Bronchiolitis is a type of chest infection that commonly affects infants under 12 months of age. It occurs when the very small airways in the lungs, called the bronchioles, become inflamed and swell up. Most cases of bronchiolitis start to get better on their own within a few days. However, some cases can be severe and need to be treated in hospital.
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Bullying - Learn more
Bullying is the use of power by a person or group of people to intentionally cause physical or psychological harm to another person or group of people. It includes humiliating, demeaning or threatening behaviour and can occur anywhere, including at school, home, online or the workplace.
Chickenpox - Learn more
Chickenpox is a common, contagious childhood illness, caused by the varicella virus. It causes a distinctive, itchy rash, and normally resolves on its own. A vaccine is available that can help reduce your chance of getting the condition.
Childhood immunisations - Learn more
Childhood immunisations help protect infants and children against a variety of diseases, without them being exposed to the actual diseases. Immunisations include tetanus, polio, measles and chicken pox vaccines. They also help protect friends and family by reducing the rates of these conditions.