Testicular lump - Learn more
Symptoms collection
1m 10s
Lumps within a testicle or the scrotum are common and can be caused by fluid build-up, cysts, infection or inflammation. In rare situations, a lump can also be a sign of testicular cancer.
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Tinnitus - Learn more
Tinnitus is often thought of as a ringing in the ears, but it describes any abnormal noise that seems to be coming from inside the ears or head. In addition to ringing noises, it may involve humming, whistling, buzzing, hissing or roaring sounds.
Tinnitus is a symptom of another medical issue, ra... -
Urinary incontinence - Learn more
Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control that results in unintended urine leakage. This can occur when people cough, sneeze or lift something heavy. It is most common among women who have given birth or who have experienced menopause, both of which can cause weakness in the pelvic floo...
Vaginal discharge - Learn more
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