Symptoms collection
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Achilles tendonitis - Learn more
Achilles tendonitis is inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. It can cause swelling and pain at the back of the heel and make walking difficult.
Back pain - Learn more
Back pain is a common symptom of different underlying conditions such as arthritis and muscular sprains. Most back pain improves with appropriate treatment. However, prevention through good posture and safe lifting is equally important.
Chest pain - Learn more
Chest pain has many causes, ranging from muscle strain to more serious cardiovascular problems such as heart attack. If you do experience chest pain, it is important to seek prompt medical attention.
Constipation - Learn more
Constipation is a common condition, in which bowel movements are not regular and stools become difficult to pass. There are many causes. Treatments include drinking more fluids, a diet high in fibre, more physical activity and, when needed, medications.
Cough - Learn more
Coughing is your body's way of getting rid of any foreign material or mucus in your lungs. Coughing can be a response to breathing in dust or fumes that irritate the nerve endings in the airways, or can be a symptom of a medical problem, such as a lung infection caused by bacteria or a virus, or ...
Diarrhoea - Learn more
Diarrhoea is a common digestive complaint that involves frequent, urgent, and watery bowel movements. Although most cases clear up at home without much treatment, be aware that diarrhea can lead to severe dehydration, especially in children and the elderly.
Earache - Learn more
Earache is most common in children up until the first year of school. Causes include infection, a build-up of wax or fluid, or damage to the inside of the ear. Most earaches pass in two to three days.
Erectile dysfunction - Learn more
Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is when a man has difficulty having an erection. Most men will experience it at some point in their lives and it can be stressful. If it is ongoing or causing problems, there are multiple treatment options available.
Headache - Learn more
A headache can be defined as pain that is felt in the head or upper neck. The type of pain associated with a headache may be described as dull, sharp, constant, throbbing, mild or intense. Headaches are one of the most common health-related conditions and are usually caused by more than one factor.
Hearing loss - Learn more
Hearing loss is the partial or complete loss of hearing in either one or both ears. This can occur suddenly in some cases, but typically it tends to develop gradually. Noise exposure accumulates over a lifetime, such that repeated exposure to loud noises increases the level of hearing loss experi...
Knee pain - Learn more
Knee pain is a common symptom experienced by most people at some point. It can be caused by an injury, degenerative disease or other underlying conditions. In most cases, resting the affected knee, elevating the leg and applying ice and gentle compression can help lessen the pain.
Palpitations - Learn more
Heart palpitations are an unpleasant feeling of the heart beating, which can include the feeling of a rapid, fluttering or pounding heartbeat. Palpitations can be triggered by exercise, medication, stress or, rarely, an underlying heart condition.
Rectal bleeding - Learn more
Rectal bleeding is usually due to small anal tears or haemorrhoids, but can also be caused by a bowel condition. Rectal bleeding can be a symptom of colon cancer, so it needs to be investigated by a doctor. It is very common, so do not be embarrassed about discussing it with your doctor.
Shoulder pain - Learn more
Shoulder pain is a common symptom. As the body’s most mobile joint, the shoulder comes under a great deal of stress throughout a lifetime. An overuse of shoulder muscles and tendons is a common cause of shoulder pain. Modifying certain activities can help prevent further shoulder pain.
Testicular lump - Learn more
Lumps within a testicle or the scrotum are common and can be caused by fluid build-up, cysts, infection or inflammation. In rare situations, a lump can also be a sign of testicular cancer.
Tinnitus - Learn more
Tinnitus is often thought of as a ringing in the ears, but it describes any abnormal noise that seems to be coming from inside the ears or head. In addition to ringing noises, it may involve humming, whistling, buzzing, hissing or roaring sounds.
Tinnitus is a symptom of another medical issue, ra... -
Urinary incontinence - Learn more
Urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control that results in unintended urine leakage. This can occur when people cough, sneeze or lift something heavy. It is most common among women who have given birth or who have experienced menopause, both of which can cause weakness in the pelvic floo...
Vaginal discharge - Learn more
It is normal for women to have some vaginal discharge. The appearance and amount of discharge will vary, according to factors such as ovulation, pregnancy or starting oral contraceptive medication. There are infections such as thrush, chlamydia and gonorrhoea that can also cause changes to vagina...
Vaginal itching - Learn more
Vaginal itching is experienced by many women and may be accompanied by vaginal discharge. There are many causes for vaginal itching. Generally, it is easily treated.
Vertigo - Learn more
Vertigo is a term used to describe feelings of spinning, unsteadiness or dizziness in the head. It is most often caused by a problem with the inner ear, which controls balance. Treatment can include simple procedures, medication and balance exercises.
Vision loss - Learn more
Vision loss, sometimes called vision impairment, can occur for many reasons. In some cases, it can be as simple as needing glasses or contact lenses, but in other cases it can be serious and irreversible.